The Vibe : Designing WP Site

Are you designing your own site? or maybe for work and business. Let’s do it! But first, decide what is your blog about. It depends on the vibe you like to share. Some choose their blog for research, sales, and business. As for me, it’s where I express myself if I have something in my mind. I think I will share my experience being a mom, tutor, and virtual assistant.

Now we need color and branding. Based on the Canva website, a mood board (or inspiration board) is a physical or digital collage of ideas that are commonly used in fields like interior design, fashion, and graphic design. It also helps avoid any misunderstandings that may result from trying to describe a design concept verbally.

I have mine here. Coral Red is protection and good fortune in romance. That means new and exciting love rich with passion, yes – but also promoting longevity, honesty, and affection in long-lasting relationships too.

Why it is important? You can use colors to relate to the audience’s emotions or respond to a call-to-action on your website. Color helps us to relate, process, and remember images more efficiently than colorless (black and white) images, this can help increase recognition and help prompt visitors to your sight to take action.

There is a study that color affects our moods and brain. Some of these I watch on YouTube. Here I found from TEDx and it is a must-watch and you can learn a lot here.

After I share the link here on my post I hope I help you a bit to give you an idea. Now, keep cool and listen for a while. You can have your own research this is just a hint to get you started. Now, start with the vibe! Go, Girl!

Published by itsmeshirleym

My blogs can provide inspirations and awareness. "It's me Shirley" is a personal blog created for the reader to relate as well as learn information on extraordinary things and experience which we encounter every day. I hope I impart this powerful feeling.

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