
The Vibe : Designing WP Site

Are you designing your own site? or maybe for work and business. Let’s do it! But first, decide what is your blog about. It depends on the vibe you like to share. Some choose their blog for research, sales, and business. As for me, it’s where I express myself if I have something in my…

I can’t believe I can sell my plants for $10 per bulb

Have you noticed that plants are all over the internet nowadays? Have you ever wonder why just now? How do they get into this passion? Want to know what rare plants I have? I would love to share it with everyone. Initially, the love for plants is unquestionable. Local in Laguna have been in this…

Human : Survive

This is my entry for Dr. Stacey Patton Animoto Project. The photos I’ve used here are recent and from our vacations. I really missed the holidays and traveling. I hope that things will go back the way it is. And the solution will come as soon as possible. We need to hold our grip and…

Be your own Sunshine!

It’s a brand new day every day😊 we wake up and greet the sunshine. We have food on our table and healthy to fight another day. We get to see our loved ones. We can hug and kiss them, eat with them and more! It’s been a long time and the world is still in…

Long Screen Time

How do you use your internet? Leisure, Educational, Entertainment or just to pass time. Ever since we are in-home quarantined. There are no days that we are not connected to the internet. It’s our way of killing boredom. Aside from that, it’s our way to connect to our loved ones. If we can’t be with…

Vlogging Using Splice

This is a sample vlog for the session conducted by Dr. Stacey. To help us get familiar navigating this tool in order for us to create our own video. Hello y’all. I am watching a video about Digital Media Bawse by Dr. Stacey Patton. She is helping folks like me to create our own powerful…

Laundry Day

When is your “Laundry Day”? For others it’s every other day, for me it’s on Saturday. Yeah! it’s a lot of clothes to wash. I should have my things ready to battle the dirty clothes. LOL! It’s Saturday and every mommy call it “Laundry Day”. It means we will use almost the whole day to do…

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